S.E. Hack(ney) Home Page On Line

This is the personal web page for Dr. S.E. "Shack" Hackney. This is a place for my art, writing, memes, and animated gifs. All views and opinions expressed are my own. Unless otherwise cited.

In general, if you find an account online that uses the "fiiidget" username (3 i in a row), and/or the "Phantasia Dakotacurl" cat image (see below), that's probably me!

Other Places to Find Me
Cohost cohost logo, maroon on orange background
Twitter Has Been Deleted. Elon Musk's face, with the twitter logo cast over it in blue
Twitch Twitch logo in purple and white
➡️ The Dreamtime Valley Ranch Well-Endowed Nonsense Collection
Librarything logo white L on brown background
tinycat logo of a sleeping cat
Ravelry Raverly logo white lower case r in salmon red circle
SpaceHey Spacehey logo of an icon style person saying hey
GitHub github logo, outline of a cat with an upraised tentacle
Mastodon Mastodon logo a speech bubble resembling the profile of an elephant with an 'm' inside it.
List Last Updated 24 March 2024
Coming Soon to Elsewhere!
BlueSky bluesky logo, a sky blue butterfly
Storygraphs storygraph logo, a white stylized pile of books
Discord You can find me around Discord @fiiidget already, but maybe my own server?
And the consolidation of many other wisps and remnants of past lives online My LiveJournal is still out there, for those brave enough to find it.

this is the cat picture I'm referring to:

a long haired orange cat on a vivid blue background
Click here to read a brief history of this image and how I came to be associated with it.

you can contact me at: fiiidget at proton dot me
